My miracle started in May 2014. I was searching the TV channels and discovered on the Word Network a show called The Place for Miracles with Richard and Lindsay Roberts. I’ve enjoyed the program—the singing and information about people being healed. I’m excited for them, and it’s good to know that God is still in the healing business. Plus I was glad to hear about the free online series Journey through the Bible.

Recently, I received a vial of blended anointing oil from Richard and Lindsay. I was so happy and grateful to be a part of this wonderful organization and to receive the blended oil as a point of contact from the Lord.

The week after receiving the vial, I experienced swelling on the right side of my face, behind my ear and neck. It was very painful. Then I remembered the healing experiences that your supporters have received, and I thought about the blended oil.

As I massaged my face with the oil and where the swelling was, I prayed for healing. Perhaps I rubbed the area with the oil about three times while I continued to pray. In a few minutes, the swelling went down, and the pain was gone.

Hallelujah! I got my miracle! Praise the Lord!

—Dottie from Maryland