by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Cancer, Financial, Healing, Miracles
I was having severe stomach pain in April 2013. I underwent many tests, which resulted in a diagnosis of stomach cancer. I called the Abundant Life® Prayer Group many times during this journey, and God really answered my prayers. The doctor recommended surgery, so I underwent surgery on September 9. It was a total success, praise God.
One thing I really stood in faith for was that I would not need to do chemotherapy or radiation. My surgery result was so successful, they did not recommend I have either chemo or radiation therapy. Jesus is my healer!
But that was not the end of my miracle story. After all said and done, I was left with a hospital bill of $36,000. Again, I called for the prayer of agreement from the ALPG, and I sowed a seed-faith gift into the Oral Roberts Ministries toward that hospital bill being supernaturally paid. Within one week, someone from the hospital called me and offered to help with the bill. I ended up only having to pay $150.
Not only am I cancer-free, but my bill is paid as well. I am grateful to the Abundant Life® Prayer Group and to Richard and Lindsay Roberts. They preach the enriched Word of God!
Theolyn from New York
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Financial, Miracles
As a member of the real estate business, I sell properties and earn my salary from the commissions. About 30 days ago, I had several property listings, but nothing was set to close. In real estate, that means I had no income. I was struggling with debt and feeling desperate. It was then that I made the decision to call the Abundant Life® Prayer Group for prayer.
The Oral Roberts Ministries prayer line is the first place I go when I feel stressed or need a financial miracle. I am a partner with the ministry and a regular seed-sower, and I believe my testimony will show others how God answered my cries for help!
Within 30 days of that call, the Lord gave me four sales totaling $1.2 million, giving me a commission of $33,620. That income has gone a long way to helping resolve my financial struggles. My finances are turning around! The Lord continues to bless me out of debt and into a wealthier place. I also praise God for blessing my clients with the homes they need at the price they desire.
Every step of the way, God has had His arms around me, letting me know to fear not, for He is with me. Thank you, Richard Roberts, for having such phenomenal prayer partners. I am praying for your ministry to succeed and glorify God’s mighty name!
Donna from Florida
by Website Guest | Oct 10, 2014 | Cancer, Healing, Miracles
I am a breast cancer survivor, and I went in for a routine mammogram on September 3, 2013. I got a call back right away because they found an abnormality in the right breast—the side where the cancer had been.
To be honest, the first thing I felt was panic. Then I got myself together, took a deep breath, and called the Abundant Life® Prayer Group. I’m so grateful that the prayer partner had patience to deal with me through my sobs. She prayed with me and encouraged me with the words of Nahum 1:9, which says that the affliction shall not rise up a second time.
Two days later, I went back for another mammogram. The devil was tormenting my mind with fear, but I continued to stand on the Word of God.
The technician saw my blue prayer cloth and asked me what it was. I said, “It is my healing cloth, and it is touched with the prayers of Richard and Lindsay Roberts.”
After what seemed like hours, they came and got me from the waiting room to show me the results. The abnormality was nowhere to be found, and my surgeon could not believe it. The mammogram images from September 3 clearly showed the abnormality, but the scans from September 5 were totally clear.
You see, the ALPG prayer partner agreed with me in prayer that God created my breasts and He could create them new. He did. Now I am not only a survivor, but an overcomer.
Theresa from New York
by Website Guest | Oct 10, 2014 | Back, Healing, Miracles
Last year in April, I was having great pains in my lower back. By June, I couldn’t get out of bed in the mornings. Doctors hospitalized me after diagnosing a staphylococcus infection in my spine. After a month in the hospital and two months of heavy medication, I had great pain in my joints. I was searching for healing and asking God to intervene and take this pain away because I know He promises in His Word that He will.
I was searching the internet for evangelists, and everybody knows Oral Roberts. Well, I saw that Richard had taken over the ministry—then I found the School of Miracles through his Facebook page. I went to the website and found Richards class called The Anointing of the Holy Spirit. I began watching the class and about ten minutes into it, he stopped and looked into the camera and said that there was a person with pain in his right hip who was being healed from those pains. The moment he finished speaking the word of knowledge, all the pain was gone. I haven’t had it since. I was so surprised! What was even more surprising was when I realized that Richard spoke these words about two years ago when he first taught the class!
I have no pain and have been able to start playing sports again and practicing my karate. Thank you for this word of knowledge. I don’t understand how this could happen, but I take it. Thank you, and blessings in the name of Jesus.
Aage from Denmark