by Website Guest | Feb 25, 2015 | Financial, Miracles
My son got the home we prayed for. We were believing for an apartment, but God blessed him with a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house at a very reasonable payment. The house is eleven years old. When I prayed with the Abundant Life® Prayer Group, we agreed in prayer for my son to have a nice place. Boy, did God ever provide that! My son now lives in a nice, comfortable, relatively new house. Hallelujah!
Paulette from California
by Website Guest | Feb 25, 2015 | Ears, Healing, Miracles
I just want to tell you something really great that happened. I live in Brazil, and I used to listen to music using earphones. I started to have bad hearing because of it. But I always watch the Oral Roberts program on YouTube. At the end of a show, when Oral prayed for the healing of the TV audience, I decided to believe and use it as a point of contact. My hearing became perfect just at the moment he prayed. Wow! He prayed that over 60 years ago, and I’m healed today. Yes, God uses the Oral Roberts Ministries, and I can testify about it!
Joao from Brazil
by Website Guest | Feb 25, 2015 | Financial, Miracles, Protection
Hallelujah! God is good. He answered our prayers to send help to my mother’s house during the dangerous Buffalo blizzard. Her furnace was broken and she was freezing. There were driving bans in place, so we couldn’t get to her! Sure enough, God our Provider sent the fire department, the police, and a furnace man who did the repair work at no charge. God is good all the time!
Lori from New York
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Healing, Miracles
My son called to tell me that my second grandchild had been born. But within an hour, he called me again to tell me they were taking the baby to the ICU because my precious new granddaughter, Laila, was having trouble breathing and something was wrong with her liver. I didn’t have much information, but I knew it was very serious and we needed God to intervene.
I called the Abundant Life® Prayer Group and asked them to pray with me. And I continued to stand in faith and pray for my granddaughter. My son would call me every day and update me on her condition. I prayed that God would just show Himself in this situation and that everyone would be able to see His healing power. I also asked your ministry to send me a prayer cloth so I could have something tangible to take with me to the hospital and lay on the baby.
When we got the prayer cloth, we took it to the hospital and put it on the baby, and then we all prayed together. Laila had been in the hospital for a month at this point, and the doctors were telling us that she would need to be in the hospital for several more weeks. But I knew God was her healer.
The very next day, the doctors called us to say that Laila had made a dramatic turnaround overnight—all her levels had normalized, and the doctors didn’t know how it happened. They told us to come get her. It was an absolute miracle, and we are praising God.
Connie from Louisiana
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Financial, Job, Miracles
A few years ago, I was struggling under the weight of debt, unemployment, and depression. I was close to losing my home, and I needed help!
Thankfully, I found the Oral Roberts Ministries website. I rededicated my life to God, and I felt led of the Lord to sow a special seed of $300 into the Oral Roberts Ministries.
I sowed my seed believing that God would use it for His glory and multiply it back to me in a financial harvest. I told Him that the ministry of Richard and Lindsay Roberts is good, fertile ground, and I took my check to the post office that very night. I was excited to see what God would do!
Since I sowed that initial seed-faith gift, I had a major financial turnaround in my life.
First, I got a new job with good pay. Then about three months after I was hired, I was promoted to management, and the company paid all my moving expenses to relocate me to Northwest Arkansas. I got a huge raise, a company cell phone, and all sorts of perks. I was in a good financial position once again. God took my seed and produced a financial miracle for me!
Since then, I have learning a lot about miracles through Richard and Lindsay Roberts. They are terrific teachers, and I’m so grateful I found their ministry. Praise God!
James from Arkansas
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Addiction, Drugs, Miracles
For twenty years, I battled a cocaine addiction that was holding me back from serving God like I wanted to. In 2008, I joined World Changers Church (which is pastored by Creflo Dollar), but my addiction continued to control me, and it was getting worse.
In September 2010, our church hosted a healing conference. I had never heard of Richard Roberts, but I went to the conference and listened to him preach, and then he laid hands on us. Deep inside my heart, I heard the Lord tell me, “I chose you, Antonia. I chose you.”
After the evening service, Pastor Dollar asked who wanted to plant a seed into Richard’s ministry. I told God I would sow my last $10 into that offering because I could feel that He had touched me that night through Richard’s ministry. I didn’t know exactly what happened inside me, but I knew God had done something in me!
It was not until after the healing meeting ended that I realized I had been set free. I had been delivered from a twenty-year cocaine addiction in a matter of a second.
As of today, I have been clean and drug-free for over twenty months, and I now have a job as a substance abuse counselor. God has blessed me so much, and I am grateful to Him and to Richard Roberts for praying for me.
Antonia from New York
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Addiction, Alcohol, Miracles
My story begins seven years ago. I was living under the weight of alcoholism and my body was giving out on me. My family was very worried, but I stubbornly refused to go to the doctor. For me, drinking was an escape. It was just me and alcohol in our own little world. It had been that way for sixteen years. My body had begun to deteriorate rapidly, and my skin had gone completely yellow—it was frightening to me, and I knew I needed treatment.
One day my sister, Sherry, confronted me and insisted on taking me to the hospital. I wanted to refuse her, but the look on her face and her tears really got to me.
The emergency room doctor informed us that my liver was ninety percent gone, and if I left the hospital without treatment, I would die within 72 hours. I needed a miracle.
My mother was watching Richard Roberts on The Place for Miracles® and she saw the number on the screen for the Abundant Life® Prayer Group. She is a woman of faith and she knew God could heal me. The prayer partners prayed for me with such compassion and love—I was convicted of my sins, and I gave my heart to the Lord in that hospital room.
As time passed, I got better and better. God was working on me, inside and out. By His mercy and grace, today I am delivered from alcohol and totally healed in my body.
Craig from Colorado
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Financial, Miracles
My husband, Scott, and I started watching The Place for Miracles® a few months ago. The miracle testimonies and the anointing of the Lord really inspired us to get involved with Oral Roberts Ministries.
As we continued to listen to Richard and Lindsay’s teaching, we began to learn how God wants us to prosper in every area of our lives. This knowledge has been a great blessing. We also learned the importance of giving tithes and offerings.
The miraculous financial turnarounds we saw in people’s lives demonstrated on Richard’s show led us to sow our first seed into Oral Roberts Ministries. We immediately got back our tax refund, and it was larger than we expected! Our harvest came quickly and we were thrilled.
We later came to a Richard Roberts Miracle Healing Service and were so blessed to hear his teaching in person and receive special prayer for God to bless our finances. We have committed to being monthly financial partners with ORM and we are excited to see what God is going to do with our seed.
Learning about seed-faith through this ministry has changed our lives and we can’t thank you enough! We know now that if a person is ever going to get anywhere in this world, trusting God with their finances is the beginning!
Scott and Connie from Missouri
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Addiction, Alcohol, Drugs, Miracles
I was addicted to cocaine and prescription drugs off and on for over twenty years. My fiancé struggled with alcoholism. My dear mother had recently passed away from the effects of alcohol abuse. I was absolutely tormented by addiction, sickness, and pain in my body. My life was a wreck. Everything that could go wrong did.
Then one night, I was watching The Place for Miracles® on TV. My fiancé was in the other room, probably drinking. I went into my bedroom, shut the door, and called the Abundant Life® Prayer Group. I poured my heart out to a prayer partner, and she prayed for me and my family. She prayed in the Holy Spirit with her prayer language. I knew that even though I didn’t understand her words, God did, and it was just what I needed. It was so amazing.
After she was finished, I planted a seed-faith gift of $100 to represent me and my family as an act of faith that we would be made whole. A few months went by, and I still had some hard moments, but my fiancé checked himself into rehab. He told me that something came over him while he was in there, and after thirty years of drinking, he was delivered from any desire for alcohol.
Since that time, I have also been completely and miraculously delivered from addiction. My sons are being shaken and stirred up by God. My body is well. My family is being made whole, just as we prayed—praise God!
Sabrina from Michigan
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Financial, Miracles
My daughter Mariah was scheduled to graduate from community college in May 2013. She had already been accepted as a transfer student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA, for the fall. Everything was on schedule until Mariah was told she was a few credits short to graduate and would need to take summer classes. We did not have the money for these classes and financial aid did not cover it. But she needed those classes in order to attend VCU as planned.
Mariah was stressed and worried. Not a day went by that she did not approach me with questions about what we were going to do. During this time, I was home on medical leave from work, so I was able to watch Christian television. For the first time, I watched The Place for Miracles® with Richard and Lindsay Roberts. I’d seen it before when flipping through the channels but never stopped to watch it. This time I watched it.
My faith was built up even more after listening to the TV program, and as they talked about how Jesus will provide our every need, they said to plant a seed for our need. I only had $100 in my bank account, but I knew it was meant to be our seed. I called the ministry, planted that $100, and the Abundant Life® Prayer Group prayer partner prayed with me. Afterward, I felt peace and knew God had this under control.
My daughter did not know I planted this seed on her behalf. Every day, she asked what we were going to do, and I replied, “God will provide. Have faith.” Inside I was anxious, but I continued to speak words of faith.
The first day of summer class arrived, and we still did not have the money to pay for the classes and books. If payment was not made by 5 PM, Mariah would be dropped from the classes. All morning I continued to pray and believe God for a miracle.
That afternoon, Mariah called me from college and told me a deposit from an awarded grant had been put in her college account. The award was for a little over $1,000. Mariah contacted the business and financial aid offices to verify the deposit and see where it came from. Both offices confirmed the deposit had been made and was legitimate and that it was not a mistake, but they did not know where the grant had come from. Mariah told me she had not applied for any awards, grants, or scholarships because she had missed the deadline dates to apply.
But the money was there, it was real, and it was in Mariah’s college account to use. At this point, I told her that earlier that week I had planted a seed specifically for her college classes so she could complete her degree.
Mariah paid for her classes and books out of the grant funds and still had money left over for supplies. She got the credits she needed and transferred to VCU in August 2013. She is currently attending VCU and doing very well.
I believe I sowed my seed into good ground by planting it in the Oral Roberts Ministries. And I prayed, and God was faithful and provided for our need. My daughter has always been a believer, but after this happened, her faith and trust in God has grown and gotten even stronger, and I praise the Lord!
Mary from Virginia
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Family, Miracles, Restoration
After a few years of bad things happening in my life, I was watching Richard Roberts preach on television, and I heard him say that 2014 is the “Year of Release.” He then challenged people to plant seed as a point of contact for a miracle release in their lives.
While I listened, the Lord began speaking to me about my seed, and I felt led to commit to giving $84 per month for a year. This was in early 2014.
Soon after, things in my life began to change. For about a year, I had been estranged from my son and his family, and it broke my heart. Well, on Easter, he called me on the phone, and our relationship was fully restored. Now, we talk nearly every day.
But that’s not all!
My husband, who is in a nursing home, began to improve. My other son had been suffering from depression and was unable to work. God healed him, and he’s back to work with the opportunity for a great promotion.
I have one more son, and he has been a blessing to me. He loves the Lord and has a beautiful wife and a precious boy.
I thank God that He is in the business of restoring families. And I thank you, Richard, for believing with me for my miracle.
Donna from Pennsylvania
by Website Guest | Dec 2, 2014 | Cancer, Healing, Lungs, Miracles
The story of my healing begins in April 2011, when I went to the doctor for a regular physical exam. The doctor did some blood work and then sent me for a CT scan and a liver biopsy. The diagnosis was stage four metastasized cancer.
The CT scan showed tumors in both lungs, three tumors in the liver—and it had metastasized into my bones. The lab results on my blood work were so abnormal, my doctor commented several times that he had never seen numbers that high. I think even he was shocked at how bad things looked. He gave me approximately six months to live and sent me home with a morphine pack.
I told the doctor I was a Christian, and I heard what he was saying, but I chose to believe God and I would believe the report of the Lord. I said, “I’m going to pray and see what God will do, because God always has the final word.”
The first thing I did was to go home and pray with my family. I also began watching Christian television programming, and I discovered that your program, The Place for Miracles®, came on my TV at 7 AM and 1:30 PM every day. I watched the show faithfully just to let that healing anointing soak in. I would lay my hands on the screen when Richard or Lindsay would pray, and I would receive my healing by faith. That’s where my faith began to grow.
One night while watching your program, I felt an intense heat in my abdomen, and I knew that the largest tumor in my liver had just disappeared. The next CT scan confirmed it. It was like it had been surgically removed, but the doctor never touched me.
During this time I underwent chemotherapy, even though doctors had little hope. I also called the Abundant Life® Prayer Group many, many times for the prayer of agreement according to Matthew 18. They never got tired of me calling. I became a partner with Richard Roberts, and he began sending me faith-building letters every month. I read his and Lindsay’s books and listened to their CDs. And I always wore the blue prayer cloth that Richard sent me that was specifically for cancer and incurable diseases.
Through reading and listening to their ministry materials, God helped me overcome the fear that seems to always come with a cancer diagnosis. My faith grew stronger and stronger, and I just kept believing God and declaring along with Richard and Lindsay and the ALPG prayer partners that no trace of cancer would be found in my body.
In August 2013, I received my first normal test result. The tumor marker test came back normal. Further tests revealed the tumors were gone—disappeared, dissolved into nothing. Doctors thought I had gone somewhere else and had surgery! They declared that I was in remission, but I knew God had healed me.
Now it’s February 2014 as I give this testimony, and I’m feeling great. I am standing in faith for total restoration from some scar tissue left behind in my bones, and I know that my God who has done a good work in me is also faithful to complete it.
That is my miracle testimony, and I pray that it helps build others’ faith for their own healing of cancer. God is a miracle-working God!
Gertrude from Texas